Change a photo background to white

Effortlessly set white image background using PhotoScissors

Drop file here or click to upload an image.
The format should be JPG, PNG or WebP.
Maximum image size: 10Mb
Maximum image resolution: 4.2 megapixels

Make your product images more professional. Increase your online sales by including a sleek white background in your product photos, all without the need for an actual white background. With PhotoScissors, you can seamlessly change the background of your images to white or any other color. Say goodbye to complex editing processes and welcome a simple and effective way to create fantastic product pictures.

Creating a white background is easy. Simply follow these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Upload the photo

Upload your product photo to PhotoScissors, and the tool will automatically remove the background from the image.

Upload the image to PhotoScissors.

If needed, you can make further adjustments to the result using the "Edit Mask" button.

Step 2: Set the background color

Set the background color to white, as it is the most commonly used color for product images. Go to the "Background" tab and select the white background option.

Upload the image to PhotoScissors.

By following these steps and utilizing PhotoScissors, you can enhance your product images and create visually appealing photos that attract customers on various online platforms.